PickleballZone Results


Team Results for Friday, July 26 (click for: Jul 26 Jul 21 Jul 19 Jul 14 )
Match Results
% Points Won By Court
Lakes-DB Mens 50 Plus 2 (5 / 3) - Lakes-RR Mens 50 Plus 1 (3 / 5)
  • 44%
  • 67%
  • 65%
Score: 2-1
% Points: 58%
# Points: 84 - 61
Team Line-ups
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Lakes-DB Mens 50 Plus T.Neuman-G.Rinehart D.Barstow-E.Weidenhamer F.Rivelle-A.Sarna
Results (Winning %) 15-13, 15-11 (44%) 15-7, 15-8 (67%) 15-11, 15-5 (65%)
Lakes-RR Mens 50 Plus    P.Arya-J.Ortlip S.Leithauser-M.Lindell T.Harris-S.Taneff
Lakes-LM Womens 50+ 3 (6 / 2) - Worthington Hills Womens 50+ 0 (0 / 8)
  • 81%
  • 61%
Score: 3-0
% Points: 70%
# Points: 60 - 26
Team Line-ups
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Lakes-LM Womens 50+ J.Harris-L.Moseley M.Arya-A.Parsons M.Kloepfer-M.Young
Results (Winning %) 15-6, 15-1 (81%) 15-7, 15-12 (61%) Default ()
Worthington Hills Womens 50+    K.Gerber-D.Burian D.Young-J.Adornetto Default-Default
New Albany-KC Womens 50+ 2 (5 / 3) - TCC at Muirfield Village Womens 50+ 1 (2 / 6)
  • 46%
  • 59%
  • 88%
Score: 2-1
% Points: 61%
# Points: 97 - 62
Team Line-ups
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
New Albany-KC Womens 50+ A.Gross-K.Constant R.Feibel-H.Geiger P.Borovetz-S.Roteff
Results (Winning %) 15-13, 15-13 (46%) 11-15, 15-5, 15-8 (59%) 15-1, 15-3 (88%)
TCC at Muirfield Village Womens 50+    J.Calnon-J.Rhodes P.Axelrod-C.Wickert J.Cullinan-J.Meyer
New Albany-LG Womens 50+ 3 (8 / 0) - Swim & Racquet Womens 50+ 0 (2 / 6)
  • 79%
  • 79%
  • 86%
Score: 3-0
% Points: 81%
# Points: 90 - 21
Team Line-ups
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
New Albany-LG Womens 50+ L.Green-E.Klingerman A.Alexander-G.Schlonsky R.Stern-J.Fishman
Results (Winning %) 15-0, 15-8 (79%) 15-4, 15-4 (79%) 15-3, 15-2 (86%)
Swim & Racquet Womens 50+    D.Manofsky-S.Richards J.Koch-C.Fallon A.Sharpe-C.Savage
Upper Arlington Parks & Rec Womens 50+ 2 (5 / 3) - Lakes-DB Womens 50+ 1 (4 / 4)
  • 49%
  • 54%
  • 36%
Score: 2-1
% Points: 48%
# Points: 95 - 104
Team Line-ups
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Upper Arlington Parks & Rec Womens 50+ K.Niemiec-A.Friedman S.Sullivan-J.Lynch C.Mautino-K.Magalang
Results (Winning %) 5-15, 15-9, 16-14 (49%) 15-10, 12-15, 15-11 (54%) 15-5, 15-12 (36%)
Lakes-DB Womens 50+    D.Barstow-D.Yochum E.Day-M.Ellis A.Taneff-S.Mauger
Worthington Hills Mens 50 Plus 2 (3 / 5) - Lakes-RS Mens 50 Plus 1 (5 / 3)
  • 63%
  • 83%
  • 25%
Score: 2-1
% Points: 56%
# Points: 70 - 54
Team Line-ups
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Worthington Hills Mens 50 Plus J.Capito-S.West F.Heil-S.Gerber P.Baldetti-J.McAlearney
Results (Winning %) 15-7, 15-11 (63%) 15-4, 15-2 (83%) 15-4, 15-6 (25%)
Lakes-RS Mens 50 Plus    D.Richards-R.Storrer R.Williamson-T.Button D.Cook-J.Voytus

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do the graphs work on PickleballZone? The graphs indicate the percentage of points won during each match. If a team on Court 1 won by the score of 15-10, 15-10, then the graph for that court would be 60% because the winning team won 60% (30/50) of all of the points. Please contact PlatformTennisZone.com via Feedback with other questions.

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