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Scarborough Coed Level-2 Pickleball Team

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Team Captain(s)
Laura Click for more
Dolores Click for more


Action Photos





Scarborough Coed Level-2 - Roster
Click photo to enlarge. Click on Linkedin and/or Twitter symbol to view those profiles.

Summer Pickleball Coed Level-2 East Division
League Matches Won / Lost
Matches Won / Lost
Match Winning %
Life Time Coed Level-2
6 / 0
New Albany-JF Coed Level-2
6 / 1
TCC at Muirfield Village-KL Coed Level-2
4 / 2
Wedgewood-JS Coed Level-2
4 / 3
Groveport-KV Coed Level-2
3 / 4
Jefferson Coed Level-2
2 / 5
Lakes Coed Level-2
2 / 5
Worthington Hills Coed Level-2
0 / 7
* Note that some teams may not have reported their scores.

Scarborough Coed Level-2 "By Court" Results
W/L By Court
Brown, Jon
DAndrea, Anthony
DeVine, Natalie
Eckert, Laura
Egan, Mike
Feyes, Mike
Iquina, Chico
Mettle, Sandy
Raglin, Dolores
Welch, James

Scarborough Coed Level-2 - Team Results and Schedule
Dual Match Results and Line-ups by Court - 2024 Schedule - Sorted chronologically. Green Game Winning % indicates a win for Scarborough Coed Level-2 for that court. Red is a loss. Blank results indicate no details are available.

Dual Match Results and Line-ups by Court - 2023 Season - Sorted chronologically. Green Game Winning % indicates a win for Scarborough Coed Level-2 for that court. Red is a loss. Blank results indicate no details are available.
Date Played
% Games Won By Court
Sun, Jun 4
Lakes-DR Coed Level-2   
  • 86%
  • 58%
  • 79%
W, 3-0
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
N.DeVine-A.DAndrea D.Raglin-C.Iquina S.Mettle-J.Brown
86% 58% 79%
15-1, 15-4 8-15, 15-5, 15-7 15-4, 15-4
J.Parsons-Ai.Parsons S.Suh-R.Rano Ang.Parsons-E.Weidenhamer
Sun, Jun 11
New Albany Coed Level-2   
  • 41%
  • 42%
  • 63%
L, 1-2
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
N.DeVine-C.Iquina M.Egan-M.Feyes A.DAndrea-L.Eckert
41% 42% 63%
15-10, 15-11 7-15, 15-2, 15-10 15-6, 15-12
N.Mariotti-M.Gunzenhaeuser P.Constant-S.Byrne M.Arguelles-C.Nelson
Sun, Jun 18
Swim & Racquet-DH Coed Level-2   
  • 86%
  • 88%
  • 91%
W, 3-0
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
C.Iquina-A.DAndrea D.Raglin-J.Welch S.Mettle-L.Eckert
86% 88% 91%
15-0, 15-5 15-1, 15-3 15-1, 15-2
D.Hunter-J.Cartlidge L.Clark-J.Clark T.Stutz-B.Stutz
Sun, Jun 25
New Albany Coed Level-2   
  • 47%
  • 35%
  • 88%
L, 1-2
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
M.Egan-C.Iquina N.DeVine-D.Raglin J.Brown-J.Welch
47% 35% 88%
6-15, 15-11, 15-6 15-11, 15-5 15-0, 15-4
S.LaJeunesse-M.Gunzenhaeuser N.Mariotti-P.Constant S.Girardi-K.Constant
Sun, Jul 9
Lakes-DR Coed Level-2   
  • 65%
  • 67%
  • 30%
W, 2-1
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
J.Welch-N.DeVine C.Iquina-S.Mettle M.Feyes-L.Eckert
65% 67% 30%
15-13, 15-3 15-9, 15-6 15-7, 15-6
D.Longhouse-R.Storrer J.Parsons-Ang.Parsons F.Padamadan-R.Rano
Sun, Jul 16
Jefferson Coed Level-2   
  • 70%
  • 91%
  • 79%
W, 3-0
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
A.DAndrea-D.Raglin M.Egan-J.Welch S.Mettle-J.Brown
70% 91% 79%
15-10, 15-3 15-0, 15-3 15-3, 15-5
A.Caroll-B.Kusovski Ja.Thomas-Jo.Thomas S.Bethel-M.Gorenstein
Sun, Jul 23
Lakes-KL Coed Level-2   
  • 86%
  • 94%
  • 94%
W, 3-0
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
J.Brown-A.DAndrea S.Mettle-J.Welch D.Raglin-L.Eckert
86% 94% 94%
15-1, 15-4 15-0, 15-2 15-0, 15-2
T.Underman-P.Arya S.Taneff-D.Hoover K.Underman-J.Helton
Sun, Jul 30
Lakes-DR Coed Level-2   
  • 57%
  • 40%
  • 73%
W, 2-1
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
A.DAndrea-C.Iquina J.Brown-S.Mettle N.DeVine-M.Feyes
57% 40% 73%
15-8, 10-15, 15-7 15-11, 15-9 15-5, 15-6
J.Parsons-R.Rano D.Richards-R.Storrer F.Padamadan-D.Longhouse
Sun, Aug 6
Worthington Hills Coed Level-2   
  • 65%
  • 60%
W, 2-0
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
J.Brown-J.Welch M.Egan-C.Iquina
65% 60%
15-10, 15-6 15-4, 5-15, 15-4
F.Heil-K.Lickman J.Giannetti-S.Gerber
Sun, Aug 6
New Albany Coed Level-2   
  • 12%
  • 38%
L, 0-2
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3
S.Mettle-C.Iquina M.Feyes-N.DeVine
12% 38%
15-2, 15-2 15-7, 15-11
N.Mariotti-M.Gunzenhaeuser S.Girardi-P.Constant